
Principal's Message


Principal Duncan

I want to WELCOME you to Andover Elementary School and the GREAT things we have for your children to experience during the 2024-2025 School Year! 

Thanks to the unwavering support of Parents, the relentless efforts of OUR students, and the dedication of our Teachers and Staff, YOUR students had a truly remarkable 2023-2024 School Year, filled with numerous achievements and learning experiences. 

Andover Elementary is a School of Innovation focusing on STREAM and Coding, built on a foundation of early childhood literacy. A majority of our Teachers have been trained in the Orton-Gillingham method of Phonics instruction and Phonemic Awareness because we know how crucial it is for ALL students to be able to read AT or ABOVE grade level and continue to develop a love of reading…to support academics AND for pleasure. We ask your children to come to school prepared to engage their curiosity and work with peers collaboratively to solve problems using inquiry-based, critical thinking skills. Besides academics, we encourage students to actively participate in our robust Music, Art, and Physical Education programs and our AFTER-SCHOOL clubs to round out their learning day. 

Our goal is to ensure every student has a promising and successful future! Our dedicated teachers and staff work very hard to meet the needs of ALL students and maintain personal connections with our families. Your support and participation in this effort is essential…by having your child arrive to school ON time, EVERY day, and so is monitoring their progress and homework. Please ask your child to share their learning and how their day was. Should you have any further questions, communicate directly with your child’s teacher. 

There is no better way to learn about the AMAZING things we have going on at Andover than by joining our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) OR School Advisory Council (SAC) AND coming to our school events as often as possible. We LOVE having Parents be involved in YOUR school! You can also work as a Class MOM or Class DAD in your student's classroom. All Volunteers have to be “Additions” approved, and this approval must be renewed EVERY year. If your schedule permits, we always look for volunteer monitors to help us during student Lunch. Our doors are always open to address ANY concerns. If it is important to YOU, it’s just as important to US. To ensure the safety of ALL our children, visitors must sign in at the office for an identification badge. We are partners with you in your child’s education, so open (AND frequent!) communication IS essential. We use 

ConnectOrange to provide weekly updates by phone/email, TalkingPoints, various social media platforms, the Andover Elementary Webpage, AND our Marquee… to make sure Parents receive the most updated information about school activities, no matter which avenue they look to for information. Experience tells us that our students experience tremendous success and achieve their educational goals when we ALL work together. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress…FIRST, speak with your child about what they are doing in class. Further questions should be directed to your child’s Teacher. OUR teachers have the most up-to-date information about your child's progress and the support of our Administration to help YOUR child succeed. I maintain an open-door policy for Teachers, Staff, AND Parents…who may need assistance or have questions. When YOUR child is successful…We are successful; it’s as simple as THAT! 

I appreciate you choosing Orange County Public Schools for your child’s education and, of course, trusting our teachers and Staff at Andover Elementary School with the privilege of educating YOUR children. 


Mr. Kevin J. Duncan, MA Ed.


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